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Your body has been programmed to get rid of toxins, just as it is progammed to mount an immune response to unwanted microbes. In a culture where we fill it with toxins, you need to help it flush.
Foot Detoxes are a good way to rid the body of any harmful toxins. Potential toxins can range from impurities in the air, to chemicals in your home and beauty products.
An ionic foot detox is said to work by pulling the toxins out of your body through your feet. The ionizing machine works to ionize the foot bath water. This process is said to give the hydrogen in the water a positive charge. The positive charge is said to attract the negatively charged toxins in your body. The ions in the foot bath water supposedly hold a charge that enables them bind to any heavy metals and toxins in your body, similar to how a magnet works. This allows the toxins to be pulled out through the bottoms of your feet.
Some foot detox advocates claim that if the water in the foot bath changes color, it means the detox is working. This is not true. Whether the detox works has nothing to do with the color of the water. The water color can change for a number of mundane reasons, namely the presence of impurities in the water. This often happens when using tap water.
The water changing color may even be due to the foot bath itself. Although foot bath manufacturers say the ionizing charge will remove metals and toxins from the body of the person using it, they don't explain how the charge skips over the metals that are actually in the foot bath. Most foot detoxes also use special salts in the water, which can interact and cause the water to change color.
Purge the system. Rest. Heal. Relax. Be well. Buy 6 get one free.