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Finally Had Enough!

Writer's picture: Rachael KraMerRachael KraMer


One change we made in our vitamin regimen wasn't part of “our plan” but kinda just happened early this fall …. 

I’ve never been “tested” for covid, but I did have our antibodies tested. Mine were sky high! So I definitely have natural immunity to this “odd” strain of a virus that has been expected to happen each year ….. In the past, corona virus simply meant the common cold. 

This “common cold” definitely affected me (and many) differently. Things changed that never fully returned (smell/taste). 

The biggest, most annoying, “side effect” of this specific common cold, is that I got sick, or run down MUCH easier. Before 2020, the last time I was in bed sick was probably a decade prior. Typically, I would get a bit run down every few years, take my wellness vitamins (see prior post for this list), and be back on track. Then in 2023 I noticed I was “run down” probably 3 times in a year. Previously I might have got run down once every 3 years! I did take vitamins and quickly got back on track … BUT WHY SO OFTEN???

I noticed this same thing in 2024, until I finally said “enough”. 

I started by adding 2 things to my regimen:

  1. Liposomal Vit C. 

  2. 2 homeopathics that we take on Sunday

As I began this, I noticed each day I started coughing up this icky, slimy mucus chunks. This continued for months....ewwww (but a little cool too). . . These thick secretions are what traps pathogenic organisms, causing one to get sick easier. 

Here’s a little more info on the vitamins I added on a whim, fed up with getting run down too often:

Liposomal: This is a preparation for a supplement. It enclosed the substance in a fat layer that delivers the nutrient to the targeted area. This preparation makes it easier for the body to absorb and much more effective. 

Vit C: Vit C is “food for the adrenal glands”. Adrenal glads become over active with any form of stress, emotional or physical stress. Good or bad stress activates the adrenal glands, putting the body is “fight or flight” mode, rather than parasympathetic: rest, digest, and heal mode. Also, Vitamin C helps flush the body of pathogenic organisms and toxins, while helping the body to absorb minerals. 

Homeopathics: INF-CV30 is prepared from current and historical

influenza viruses. The combination, PNC-CV30 with INF-CV30, gives

maximum support. No active molecules are present. Homeopathy’s

goal is increasing vitality. Energy medicine enhances natural

immunity. PNC focuses on lung health (probably why I started coughing up phlem that was trapping bacteria). INF-CV is a combination of historic flu viruses, while other Influenzinum products are potentized forms of the current circulating flu strain. Therefore, you are boosting your immunity towards a variety of viruses rather than just one. The benefit is that our formula will be effective every flu season and to all viruses, no matter how they may mutate. You do not have to repurchase every year! 

Soooo by adding those few things, I went through fall and winter so far without getting run down! I’ve been exposed to things that, for the past couple years, would have had me running to our wellness kit .. but not this time!

If you, or someone you know is struggling with being run down more often than you’d like … especially if it’s out of your norm, and you’re doing all the other things that have worked for you in the past to maintain wellness, I’d suggest adding these. 

Liposomal Vit C can be purchased on Fullscript

INF and PNC can be purchased through me, or delivered with shipping and handling charges. 

Please take note: I am referring to those who are trying to maintain broad spectrum natural immunity by strengthening their terrain. If you are one that has altered your DNA by being part of the covid experimental injection, you more than likely will not see the same results. 

PS: I try to keep information as short and sweet as possible, while still providing valuable information. If you’d like me to go deeper on a topic, such as homeopathy, please let me know (! And if there’s a topic you’d like me to write about, let me know that as well. 

Coming soon: 

a post on how we are changing up, simplifying our typical 

vitamin routine and skin care routine

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